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Prayer Circle for Animals Weekly Update
June 17, 2013

Our prayers for all animals continue to circle the earth, to uplift humanity's consciousness, and to bless the animals themselves. Thank you for joining people around the world who are praying this prayer in many different languages but all with the same love:


Yesterday was Father’s Day, and while I wished a happy one to my son and son-in-law and the other human dads in my life, I also thought of the many other potential fathers on the earth—the ones with feathers, scales, and fur. I say potential, because billions of male animals are killed as babies. Baby boy chicks, calves from mothers trapped in the dairy system, and others are killed early in life. Many others, including pigs and cows are neutered without anesthetics and killed and eaten in the prime of their lives.

Many other potential dads are used to impregnate females, never to see them again or their children. When it comes to animal agriculture and the pet industry, the chances for anyone to become a father and help to raise a family are practically impossible.

This week let us take some time to honor all those souls of the animal nations whose lives have been cut short and who have never had the privilege of living a normal life of freedom or experiencing the joys of fatherhood. May they know, whether they dwell in spirit or are still here in physical bodies, that we share their grief; we send them love; and we will not give up until all animals are free to live their lives in peace, in families, and in dignity.

If you haven’t already done so, please join us at the Prayer Circle for Animals facebook page.

With Love, peace, and gratitude from Judy, and Will, Madeleine, and the Circle of Compassion team.

May all beings be happy. May all beings be free.

With Love, peace, and gratitude from Judy, Will, Madeleine, and the Circle of Compassion team

Please visit the website www.circleofcompassion.org often to see updates and special prayers, and also to join in our "A prayer a day for animals" which features a prayer for a different group of animals each day of the week. It is also a place to send ideas or prayer requests.

Please forward this widely so that we may continue to add more people to our ever-expanding circle of compassion.

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