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Prayer Circle for Animals Weekly Update from Judy Carman
September 5, 2016

Our prayers for all animals continue to circle the earth, to uplift humanity's consciousness, and to bless the animals themselves. Thank you for joining people around the world who are praying this prayer in many different languages but all with the same love:


Greetings of love and gratitude from Judy Carman

LABOR DAY BEGAN IN THE SPIRIT OF SOCIAL JUSTICE AND ANIMAL RIGHTS IS A SOCIAL JUSTICE ISSUE. In 1894 the US Army and Marshals Service killed workers in the Pullman Strike. Congress soon voted to make Labor Day a national holiday in the aftermath of the tragedy. Because animal rights is rooted in the ideal of doing no harm and doing as much good as possible, in every area of life, it is intimately connected to all social justice causes. When we look deeply at all the justice movements, we see the same desire. It is the desire to stop the violent and relentless destruction caused by profit and power-driven companies devoid of ethics. All justice movements are needed because of the human mindset of domination and exploitation of workers, animals, women, people of color, the hungry of the world, and the earth herself. All justice movements are inseparably connected to each other and all must advance together as we seek to raise the consciousness of humanity beyond greed to its highest ideal of love for all the living.

PRAYER FOR ALL JUSTICE ACTIVISTS TO EMBRACE ANIMAL LIBERATION AND AHIMSA: We give thanks that many of the peace, environmental, and justice groups are beginning to see the natural connection they have with animal rights. We give thanks that they are becoming aware that we are all seeking to teach nonviolence and lovingkindness and that animal rights is a movement that cannot be left out of the steady forward pace toward justice for all beings and the earth. Freedom, peace, joy, and justice for all animals, people, and nature are bound together and we cannot have those things for ourselves unless we give them to all. This week we hold in our hearts a vision of all justice activists embracing vegan ethics, realizing consciously what their hearts have always known. Love led them to be activists in the first place. May love lead them this week to bring their work into harmony with the liberation of all animals from human domination and exploitation. We call upon Divine Intelligence to guide us as we pray and take action to bring the true nature of humanity into being. Cruelty and violence cannot survive in a world overflowing with Love. That is what we are creating day by day, prayer by prayer, action by action, book by book. The tipping point is near. The Love you bring to this work in your actions, thoughts, prayers, and visions is making it happen.

As always, with tears of gratitude, I send my thanks to each of you, dear Prayer Circle members, for joining this circle of compassion and shining the Light of Truth for all to see, so that one day soon, all beings will live in peace together.

May compassion and love reign over all the earth for all beings everywhere. 
Thank you all for your devotion to truth, love, liberation and peace for all beings.
With Love, peace, and gratitude from Judy Carman, and greetings from Will, Madeleine, Tara and the Circle of Compassion team

If you haven’t already done so, please join us at the Prayer Circle for Animals Facebook page.  You can share ideas and prayer requests there.  These updates will be posted on Facebook and on www.circleofcompassion.org so that you can share them if you wish.  Thank you.   https://www.facebook.com/groups/prayercircleforanimals 
To support our work and help us expand this ministry, please go to http://circleofcompassion.org/donations.html

May this music of liberation and respect for all life bring us closer than
we’ve ever been to a world of peace for all beings everywhere.
Please visit the website www.circleofcompassion.org often to see updates and special prayers, and also to join in our "A prayer a day for animals" which features a prayer for a different group of animals each day of the week. It is also a place to send ideas or prayer requests.

Please forward this widely so that we may continue to add more people to our ever-expanding circle of compassion.

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